Some people collect stamps, others LP-records from the 1960’s or veteran cars. I collect quotes. For me, words have weight and give direction for life. At the moment, my favourite quote is one by Eric Geiger: ”If you want to make everybody happy, don’t be a leader. Sell icecream”.
I like the quote because it challenges me with an important question: Am I driven by impressions coming from the outside or driven by what is inside of me? If I am driven by impressions from the outside I will anxiously ponder: Do people like me? Do they like what I stand for? What if someone is angry with me?
“All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God”, Paul writes (Rom. 8:14). Observe that he does not say: “All God’s children are driven by the Spirit of God”. It is fully possible to be a child of God and yet driven by fear, own ambitions or others’ desires. But our calling is higher than that: As a child of God I am to be led by His Spirit and His impulses. What a challenging thought!
Pastor Camilla